(+1) 602/400 80 74 lynx@practicalselfdefense.net

Our Mission

What will you do when the hour is upon you? In a real-world confrontation; posturing, talking loud, waving your hands and foul language will only serve to get yourself beaten or dead.

Unlike TV, the pretense of tough does not prevent assault. There are millions of people who believe the odds they will be a victim of a violent crime are small. They are right.  So too are the odds of having a car crash – but of course, we have insurance. They believe:

„It only happens to others and on television. Break ins, car jacking, road rage, drug addicted or other fanatics only attack others. No one will ever assault my spouse, my children or me. After all, when faced with a criminal the police will arrive in time to save us. If any of us are abused or killed, it is not our fault that we don’t give ourselves a chance to fight back. It is the fault of the police, the system, the neighbor, an onlooker, the president or anyone but ourselves.”

HOUR ONUS is not for the person who wants to play black ops dress up. We do not have ultra strenuous unrealistic exercises geared for combat in foreign war zones. That type of training – when necessary, is done by others.

HOUR ONUS trains the ordinary citizens and their families to safely handle and use firearms and defend themselves and loved ones in real life situations if the need arises.

Note: This text is only an excerpt of our Full Mission Statement, click here to check it out.